About Us

Welcome to Monmar!

My name is Mara and I am a South American (Argentina) born artist and designer. My littles name is Montana and we are an adventurous and loving pair. After having Montana, I realized the tremendous difference that having a baby has on your perspective of life and the Earth, which is where Monmar was first created.

 Finding the perfect blanket that provided warmth and safety satisfaction to my little was my top priority but was also hard to come by. I took it upon myself to find artisans who crafted the softest fabrics at affordable prices which led me to create my first blanket for my little, Montana.

 I am a small business owner where my products are economically produced with 100% cotton and recycled cotton. I am completely transparent about my process and take pride in being that way. My commitment to you is to have an environmentally friendly product that will create comfort for you and your little. Our technique of being a sustainable business to the environment defines, motivates and lays the foundation for our visions to come. 

We hope you enjoy and if something does not meet the standards that we have laid out, please let me know on how to improve or provide knowledge and suggestions. Here is my personal email mara@monmargoods.com

Happy shopping!
